Dear Dames and Knights,
in order to avoid possible problems and misunderstandings hereby I inform you officially about the followings:
– the new candidates can pay the administrative charges and fees solely by wire transfer to the official bank account of KMFAP – this is the only way our Order accepts the payments. About the extent of due payments and the progress of the admission procedure the KMFAP Secretariat gives official information in all cases personally, or by e-mail, and confirms the receipt of payment!
I call on every Dame or Knight Candidate’s attention – that under any circumstances – NOT to pay higher amounts for the admission, and the amount to be paid should not be handed over to anyone else, nor the knight, or dame, who recommends you into the Order! Only in that way it can be avoided that – without the knowledge of the KMFAP Central Office – anyone pay higher than the official amount, moreover to unauthorized persons! I strongly ask everyone to respect and keep the official course of the admission process, and to take note of the above!
10th August 2016
H.G. Prof. George Popper
Lieutenant General